Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Group Shots

Aperture: f/4.5
Shutter: 1/60th
ISO: 400

Sophie Blacker, Corrine Stevie Brigden, Tamara Weatherburn & Elanna Woods

Aperture: f/4.5
Shutter: 1/60th
ISO: 400

Sophie Blacker, Corrine Stevie Brigden, Tamara Weatherburn & Elanna Woods


Aperture: f/8
Shutter: 1/60th
ISO: 200

Sophie Blacker & Tamara Weatherburn

Aperture: f/9
Shutter: 1/60th
ISO: 200

Sophie Blacker & Tamara Weatherburn

Aperture: f/11
Shutter: 1/60th
ISO: 200

Sophie Blacker & Tamara Weatherburn

Aperture: f/5.6
Shutter: 1/60th
ISO: 2oo

Dylan O'Halloran & Elanna Woods

Monday, April 26, 2010

Ideas For Photography Workshop Studio Portraits

I am wanting to concentrate on beauty using minimal makeup, emphasising true beauty. To tie the three photographic shots together I will use a white business shirt, which will be demonstrated in my work book in which I have compiled. I have also found photographs in magazines (that are referenced) that appeal towards me. In doing so I have thought up my theme and concepts from the selected images. This is excluding my self portrait, but can be easily orchestrated into my ideas.
Single Portrait ;
This image was chosen purely on the simplicity and and intrigue on the individual image.
Photographer ; Inez Van Lamsweered And Vin Matadin
Model ; Carmen Kass
I believe that the studio lighting that was use is Rembrandt lighting. This is where a flood light is placed one side of the side of the subject so the shadow from the nose falls across the other side face and meets the shadow on the far side of the face.

click to zoom /
These are my ideas so far, for the group portrait I will need to discuss.
I am considering 2 ideas/concepts for the group shot:
One will comprise of either the models in flowing dresses with a white/grey background. The lighting used will be short lighting.
The other one will comprise of the theme of jeans as in an add form. The lighting will also use short lighting. (unable to find image, though is posted in my work book)

As for my self portrait I am wanting to be in motion ie. jumping in mid air to show movement. For this concept I will need a big/long backdrop, using a strong light, no diffusers with high ISO/shutter speed.
Will be something similar.

Image taken by Sarah Wilson

With my final results I am slightly happy with them. As it turns out I ended up changing my concepts completely as the original ideas didn't quite work out in the end. Though through doing this I believe that my final ideas/concepts did work out better than originally planned.

I believe that I should have researched the lighting techniques to more of an extent that anticipated, including the photographs that I was going to use as my inspiration.

Single Portrait - Elanna Woods

With the original concept, I found that it wasn't working as there wasn't enough light and wasn't quite sure how the lighting was set up. Having that said I had some help fr om class mates and Arata to try and get the lighting right, though in the end I found it more visually captivating to have a close up of Elanna whilst having her face lit and allowing her hair to fill the space around her.

Self Portrait - Dylan O'Halloran

I image was one of two that I was torn between, in the end it came down to this one as it looks more natural[image on right]. Where the image below looks more posed

Group Portrait - Geneveve Duck, Hayley Kiermaier, Sarah Wilson and Amanda Smith.

This idea was chosen on last minute as I felt the first concept wasn't going to workout. I believed that, without the knowledge of how to properly shoot fashion photography it wasn't going to work out. As the image above is more or a glamour fashion photograph rather than a portrait.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Single Portraits

Lighting Diagram [Short Lighting]

Short Lighting (Elanna Woods)
Main light illuminates side of face that is turned away from the camera. Short lighting emphasises facial contours. Short lighting has a narrowing effect (mainly used with people who have a round face).

Aperture: f/11
Shutter: 1/60th
ISO: 200

Aperture: f/11
Shutter: 1/60th
ISO: 200

Lighting Diagram [Rembrandt]
This is where a flood light is placed to the left side of the subject so the shadow from the nose falls across the right side face and meets the shadow on the far-side of the face.

Rembrandt Lighting (Tamara Weatherburn)
Main light is positioned high on the side of face that is away from camera. Technique produces an illuminated triangle on the cheek closest to the cheek.

Aperture: f/5.6
Shutter: 1/60th
ISO: 2oo

Aperture: f/10
Shutter: 1/60th
ISO: 200

Broad Lighting (Sophie Blacker)
When the main light is positioned to illuminate the side of the face that is facing the camera.

Aperture: f/5.6
Shutter: 1/60th
ISO: 200

Hollywood Lighting
This is accomplished by placing a flood light in front of and above the subject. The effect is the flattening of the facial planes. This is used to emphasise the softeness and the roundness of the facial features.
Main light reading: ISO 200, f8, 60th sec

Images provided by Sophie Blacker

Lighting Diagram

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


These two photos are used to emphasise the hair lighting.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Scene And Lighting Scheme
Person; F5.6
White; F8
Black Box; F4.8
Yellow; F6.3
Grey; F5.6

Equiptment And Materials
Camera; Nikon D80
Lens; 18-55mm
ISO; 200
White Balance; Incandesent

General Light Readings
Preffered Shutter Speed; 30th/sec
Incident Light Reading; F8
Reflected Light Off Grey Card; F5.6

Aperture; F8
Exposuer Mode; Manual

Aperture; F7.1
Exposuer Mode; Manual

Aperture; F6.3
Exposuer Mode; Manual

Aperture; F5.6
Exposuer Mode; Manual

Aperture; F4.5
Exposuer Mode; Manual

Aperture; F9
Exposuer Mode; Manual

Aperture; F10
Exposuer Mode; Manual

Aperture; F11
Exposuer Mode; Manual

Aperture; F16
Exposuer Mode; Manual